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So you want to write copy?
But not just any copy. Really good copy. Amazing, in fact. Copy that everyone talks about and remembers. Copy that people see on billboards and websites and, heck, maybe even on TV? World-changing copy. Soul-stirring copy. Smack-you-in-the-face and shake-you-by-the-shoulders copy. Copy that keeps people awake at night. Copy that keeps your fridge full. Copy that pays for your other, other, other car.
Subscribe to my weekly Substack newsletter to sell the sh*t out of your stuff without sounding like a cocky nutcase. Learn how to write with personality, magnetize any brand, and make people go WILD for your work💰🍾 🔥✏️
It's free to sign up. No spam. No guru-talk. Get a weekly round up of the coolest marketing and copy around to make you a better copywriter. Learn the exact copy strategies used by global brands, and how you can do it too. (Warning: Actually fun to read.)
"Just an absolutely amazing blog completely dedicated to sharing good copy and teaching you how to be better at it. Sensational!"
Christopher Bret-Harte
Author of Arepa Sundays. (Not made up.)
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